Re: Production of HCL
I hope you dont mind me getting intouch but your messages have really helped me.
Ive started HCl - I have major bloat all teh time never goes just gets bigger I had probs with my eye aswell, intolerant to foods, constipation, anxiety and
Depression etc..apparaently my Candida has gone after following homeopath diet for 7 months but I am not convinced as still bloated..HOWEVER..
After reading your posts I think I have SIBO also just feels liek something laying across my belly all the time I feel full up like Ive eaten roast dinners all the time.
SO...started using hcl I can take 4 650mg & pepsin 130mg with each meal with no burning and ive also got PO like you. I take probotics, vit B's, calcium and so on..
I think its made a bit of difference but not in the bloated tummy which is dominating my life so much I dont do anything !!!!
Has your bloating got better?
Are you following No
Sugar no yeast etc diet..I am so paranoid homeopath said I can have a bit of
Sugar and yeast but still getting reactions to choclate and fatty not sure what to do...
How long does it take to see if its helping HCL??
THANKS SO MUCH dont know what to do necxt after following homeopath for 7 month and she just said tahts it candida gone..I said well whys my tum so big..
She said either
parasites (brought humerworm but not sure whether to take it) as docs stools test was negative!!!
being depressed can have big impact on digestion
or to have some
colonics 70.00 a time I can afford it ...makes you feel like screaming sometimes..
Please respond