Re: Production of HCL
Great Info
I also came to the same conclusion as you quite some time ago. My husband even went to the trouble of emasuring out what an averae person should eat in a day. I was eating NO SALT. I was also eating salads, and fresh cooked foods.
The confusion here is that regular table is bad for you and this is because regualr
table salt only contain sodium and chemically altered at that. Organic
Sea Salt contains sodium and all its companion minerals so it get utulized correctly by the body. In the organic form salt does not cause health problems.
I also had low blood pressure and felt lousy because of it. Basically weak and frail. I no longer have that issue.
Sodium is an electrolyte and an impoertant one at that , as they all are. The problem is in this country we blame ill health on everything except the real root of the problem. Our crappy diets.
But that part about stomach acid was great info, thanks for sharing