Re: Colonic for a desperate kid?
Hi Jax, both of those reports you cite are from my first web site at in the late 1990's.
was authored by one of my colon hydrotherapy instructors, Catherine Cavanaugh. Catherine was a Registered Nurse with many years of hospital experience who later managed a private home nursing service, and eventually joined a friend in a practice offering colonics.
I wrote the report at
as part of my certification in colon hydrotherapy shortly after joining the naturopathic clinic where I presently practice. The wife of the N.D. I work with, who is also a nurse, suggested the topic and provided invaluable advice and guidance over the several months I spent putting this report together.
I am overdue in revamping my new personal web site, and have made a New Year's resolution to finish it by the end of the first quarter of 2007. During the winter months I usually have more free time in the evenings than I do the rest of the year, so hopefully I'll be able to finish before Spring.
Regarding your granddaughter, it is a fact today that children's bowel habits are in general, not the best. I completely disagree with the overwhelming number of medical doctors who tell parents not to worry about the frequency of their child's bowel movements, and that for some children, once a week is normal.
I also firmly believe that the overall bowel health of children today would be greatly improved if parents employed the old fashioned enema bag at home more frequently when their children were constipated. An enema is far less uncomfortable during the first few days of a problem than when it is used as a last resort after the problem has persisted for a week or more.
Sincerely, Valerie