Yes I am glad you understand my response thats refreshing, so many people don't understand me. Alot of people think I'm a nut but I always tell them it takes one to know one. I think The world really needs to learn how to love. I really believe that love above all brings healing like nothing else because it gets the attention of God and its his attention we need. So many people think you don't love them if you don't agree with them but God doesn't agree with alot stuff we do or say or the way we act but he created us anyway and loves us anyway but won't force us to love him. Our choices determine our outcome.We can't force people to change we can only share the truth we know and believe and they either accept it or reject it. I don't take it personally because I'm just a messenger. Everyone has a free will to choose and has to make up their mind what they truly believe and stand by it. God said he would rather us be Hot (for him) or Cold (not for him) than inbetween somewhere( sometimes I believe you sometimes I don't). Their are too many people in the valley decision who truly have not made up their minds and God said the end was near in the valley of decision. I want to have a made up mind and mind made up. Moreless I have enjoyed our chat. I hope you have a blessed day and a Merry Christmas!!