When I decided to write about my experience of having my gallbladder removed it was because there is always two sides to any argument. People looking for answers must have the opportunity to see the other point of view. I like the idea of "alternative" therapies purely on the basis of having an open mind. I also think that someone who studies for years in "conventional" medicine should not always be regarded as a charlatan out for just what he or she can get. I should imagine that many worried people come to sites like this and receive "wisdom" from people who have never had to face any evaluation of their "scientific" knowledge, or have had to to pass examination by a rigourous board of real scientific experts. I am not an expert medical or otherwise. Many people think there is a giant Conspiracy by the medical profession to protect their own interests and not let simple beneficial methods destroy the money making potential of modern medicine. There may be some justification in this thinking but I don't think it applies to most decent honest doctors and surgeons and I don't think they would go along with this Conspiracy if they thought that a "simple" method was the best solution. Alternative medicine eventually becomes conventional if it works. Above all please don't try to scare people with hints of dire consequences if they follow professional medical advice.