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Re: Getting rid of my gallbladder

Remove Parasites and Worms
Get rid of the life suckers!

old_timer Views: 1,639
Published: 19 y
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Re: Getting rid of my gallbladder

First off let me tell you that one time i came as close to being in your position as the preoperation room or whatever it was called. I was to have a surgery in the morning and they did a colonic on me in the evening and it saved me. I was feeling so much better that I refused the operation and went home. Then I started to research.

Sorry to hear about what happened to you. Your problems are just starting.
All you needed was a couple af good colonics to make the space for the stones to come out. Instead those morons cut you up...
Of course it pays better to cut people up then to give them colonics.
Those idiots would even lie to you. Your "narrow bile duct" can expand up to one whole inch and develop maximum preasure of 11 PSI (with a normal working preasure of about 3 PSI) when needed.
There is no organ in the human body that could be beneficial to loose. One way or the other the body is going to be suffering...
A short term ability to eat everything will be punished very quickly.

Fortunately you are also quite wrong about "the idea that you must continually take vaste quantities of Epsom Salts and olive oil to be "well"".
The truth is people do it to clean themselves from the dietary mistakes of the past, from not knowing in the past about high fructose corn syrop and artificial flavors in their food and poisoning themselves. Once they are clean they know better and eat only organic food.
The lucky ones find out about clenses from friends, books or this forum, not so lucky get their wake-up call in the post surgery rehabilitation. The ignorant die.

I am in no way trying to offend you. On the other hand do not speak so easyly of the things you know very little of. Liver Cleanses saved lives.
I started a health group in my aria (MI) and with the information I supply about 20 people in my aria changed their life to the better. We have people going to organic farms (amish) on a regular basis to stock up for the group. We have reverse osmosis systems in our homes.

It is even quite cheaper to eat organic to tell you the truth...

The point is that the current system (food and drug manufacturers and doctors) does not need you to be healthy. We need to recognize it and if not fight it then at least work around it at all costs.


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