19 y
Getting rid of my gallbladder
The following will probably not be liked by the
Liver Flush fanatics
I did the
Liver Flush and had some “success” about 30 small pea like objects. This, however, didn't stop the problem. For a number of years I had what I thought was a bad attack of indigestion that would see me sitting up all night with a pain in my tummy. This would occur about twice a year. That's why I did the Liver Flush. July 2006 I had three attacks in a row and lost 6 Kilos. I then turned a wonderful shade of yellow and presented myself for a scan. The doctor doing the scan told me afterwards that it had been 50/50 whether he was going to tell me I had 6 months to live or a blockage in my bile duct. Fortunately it was the latter. He also told me my gallbladder was shot and full of gallstones. It seems a gallstone from my gallbladder had travelled into my bile duct and was travelling up and down and getting sometimes stuck at the entrance to the gut where there is a small sphincter. The Professor of Gastro-enterology, who was treating me, said that it didn't matter how much
Epsom Salts and oil I took I would always be in danger of blocking my narrow bile duct and perhaps damaging the sphincter thus causing food to enter the bile duct. I had my gallbladder removed and have never felt better in all my life AND I can eat anything I like without any symptoms whatsoever. I like to have an open mind about alternative and conventional medicine but the idea that you must continually take vaste quantities of
Epsom Salts and olive oil to be "well" is not may idea of fun or "natural"