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Dog skin parasites
hollytree Views: 2,482
Published: 19 y

Dog skin parasites

My dog is itching a biting her skin constantly. This has been going on for 2 months.
I took her to the vet a few weeks into it, and he said it was allergic reaction to flea bites. I've since ruled this out, as we've done all the necessary flea protocols and i don't ever see any on her or around her.
I do see lots of red bumps and occasionally a black spec in a red bump.
I've tried many remedies, to help her, but nothing has cured her, so far.
Some things may cool her skin temporarily, but the problem still exists.

I'm pretty sure it's some type of parastites. I'm giving her Wormwood , Black-Walnut hull, clove, kelp, flax seed, parsley water and probiotics. Still, I keep up with treating carpets and floors w/ boric acid every 10 days or so, as well as her flea treatments. Also i treat her with neem oil and aloe once a week.
Any other suggestions? Help!


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