to Ernie and anonymous
of course i'll keep ya updated! what color is your tongue coated? if it is a whitish color that is usually (possibly always?|) candida.
changing your diet and a
parasite cleanse sounds like you have the right idea! do you mind telling me what kind of cleanse and what kind of foods you are eating? i'm no doctor but after two months non-stop research and my own personal experience factored in i like to think i know a little about what i'm talking about, so maybe i can give you a tiny directive boost?
|(also, candida can give yes blurryish vision. sometimes its hard to realize because we adjust to how we are seeing things, but do you feel you have any of that along with the dryness?)
what kind of oil are you using and has that been surfacing some of the coat on your tongue|? if so definitely get a tongue scraper. its a two dollar investment that'll save ya from letting some of that stuff slip back into your digestive tract. yucky
and to the other person that asked a question, yes its definitely good to have the sorethroat and tongue coating. beyond the fact that its die off from all the bad bacteria/fungus, i feel that it may also be some of the candida drawing itself out of my digestive tract |(as i said i have most of my issues there|) into my throat and mouth. when candida and bacteria are disturbed my health invadors they try to escape, is what i assume. too bad for them, because when they end up in my mouth they meet the angst of my trust tongue scraping steed and...well, my toothbrush...
yes, i like to make my predicament into a fiery good vs bad bacteria television drama. it keeps me entertained through the whole process.
alright i'm off to spit now because this oils starting to drip out my mouth. mmm mmm.