Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from I love India .com
I love cayenne hot red peppers myself. Mh at barefoot herbalist has a great bath, soak in a hot tub using about 1 cup of apple cidar vinegar and a handful of powdered cayenne red pepper, I use 3 handfulls and feel great after such hot bath soaks.
The list of vermifuge,
parasite killing spices and foods from india that I found research on is very long, link above has many, some of the spices used to kill micro organisms, bugs and worms is listed. These can be used in many combinations or alone as a food, in ground, dried, powdered, pickled, in oil, as chutneys, as pastes, as teas, in a bath, as a skin wash, as topicals, or in fresh form:
hot cayenne pepper
chili peppers
cardamom pods, green or black
ground cardamom
cardamom seeds
cinnamon, sticks, bark or ground, similar to quinine, malaria cure,(it has been shown viruses can not live in the presence of cinnamon oil)
corriander seeds
nutmeg, (kills hard to reach spinal viruses)
camphor, use externally only
star anise
tumeric (tumeric is more powerful then goldenseal as an antimicrobal, some independant researchers found it as effective as pennicilin in killing some strains of bad bacterias and bad organisms)
tulsi aka holy basil
lemon seeds
lemon peel, white inner part
amli fruit
black pepper, (do not boil, add after cooking to teas or foods)
neem, leaves or powdered
eucalyptus leaves
betel nuts
sandlewood, (put on or dust topically to rid skin pests)
rose water, (use same as sandlewood or mix with sandlewood powder and tumeric and apply topically).
pommegrame bark, (full of alkaloids)
black musterd seeds
musterd seed oil
castor oil, (do not take internally unless in small purging deworming quantity)
pumpkin seeds
gourd or squash seeds
thyme (wash skin with listerine for a quick bug killing fix if you have a bug or skin infection, thyme's active micro-organism killing ingrediant is thymol which is the active ingrediant in listerine)
jaggery, raw unrefined date sugar, very sweet, (alkalizes the body if taken after eating each meal).
mint, peppermint, any of the menthe family, (same action as nutmeg)
limes, (taken internally or applied on skin with salt to rid pests) same for lemons.
It seems almost all Hindu Indian cooking is geared toward vermifuge, anti
parasite spice rich cooking. There are many, many, more anti
parasite herbs, foods and spices used in Hindu Indian cooking and ayurevedic medicine, these are the anti parasite ones ones I have used with success and enjoy as a delicious medicinal addition to foods, as foods, in teas, as topicals, or in hot baths.
I love red peppers so much I eat a few red hot chilie peppers or a spoonfull of cayenne (with honey) the second I feel a bug, germ or flu coming on and the red peppers kill any infections, bugs or germs that try to creep in.
The original medicines were plants, trees, leaves, flowering fruits, foods, grasses, herbs and spices, then the medicine was synthetics and isolated derivatives of trees, herbs, grasses, plants, flowering fruits, leaves, foods and spices as medicine, then junk food and junk no cure PATENTED synthetic isolated particulate powder as medicine came on the scene and cured nothing. Now, thanks to ayurevedic medicine and ayurevedic mds, herbalists, and WHO stated, 'Time Tested Cures',we are 'returning to nature', 'de rerum natura' cures.
Note - of the 55,000 drugs PATENTED and approved by the fda, only a few synthetic, isolate, derivative PATENTED drugs worked and the few that were effective were: asparin made from willow tree bark, quinine made from chinchoa tree bark, eucalyptus leaf derivative vick's metholatum (allieviated symptom, not cause) insecticide permathrin made from chrysanthmum flowers, someone is Israel just got a patent for an elderberry extract property to relieve brochial inflamations, and cherry bark cough syrup, made from boiled cherry tree bark.