19 y
Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from I love India .com
Irradiation is playing with microwaves to kill mildew and fungi I presume, I can not see how every pound of spice produced can be irradiated, where are the irradiation facilities, they are not at every seaport and ground loading and unloading doc.
frontier charges WAY TOO MUCH for a teeny tiny bag of spice, maybe frontier calls itself non irradiated as a fad, so it can gouge consumers and charge 1000% more then hindi and mexican spice importers and retailers. Some 4 profit enrot type corporations and LTD's hate humans and just care about profit, PACKAGING, gloss and PR or fad, instead of helping poor, sick or injured people. I think 4 profit corporations should be kicked out of the food industry, the spice industry, the health care industry, the health education industries and the child care industries, globally. With a few more like Bill Gates around, that could be a reality.
If we put irradiated peru bark/quinine, on a worm and non irradiated peru bark on a worm, the worm will die either way.
In mexico hunters used to eat a ton of hot red cayenne peppers before a hunt. this way if the hunter died in an accident on the hunt the HOT red cayenne pepper would preserve his body from putrefication, being eaten by microbes and worms, and prevent decay until the hunters body was found, (which could be weeks months or years later) the cayenne red pepper would prevent flesh necrosis and putrification by filarial worms, micro organisms and other parasitic flesh and blood eating worms, even the vultures and hyienas would not eat a hunter whose flesh was saturated with and filled with hot red cayenne pepper.
Irradiation is not relevant to the microbial and micro organism killing potency of the heat, vermifuge and alkaloid qualities of spices.