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India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from I love India .com
this is an excellent india spice cure resource site, it has the india spice cures for many diseases.
those of you lucky enough to live near a hindu indian or mexican spice grocer, grocery store can find bulk spices that cost 1/100th of the price of spices and herbs sold in capsule form. example, a one pound bag of tumeric, ginger, whole or powdered cinnamon, clove, saffron etc from an india supply company or grocery will cost 1.19 or 99 cents for one POUND to a few
pounds of spice. In usa stores, spice retailers, dealers, gouge and charge 5.99 to 6.99 to 13.99(saffron)and more, for one OUNCE of some spices. Online india grocers, spice suppliers, should have the same spice quality and good price as the good hindu and good mexican grocery retail stores carry.
now I know how ripp off mc cormick brand spices and others made thier millions, by marking up spice products 100% to 1000% to 10,000%!!!! no wonder so many in this country are sick, they do not know the value of spice as medicine and they can not afford to buy healing spices from usa spice retail price gougers. left and right sides of link list disease, click on ailment for india cure.