Re: India spice cure for malaria and other diseases from I love India .com
Interesting link. Too bad the author does not cite any case studies or facts on incidence numbers and references of bad tumeric or bad horseradish etc. Mold on grain and bread is more of a viable concern then mold on hot red cayenne chili peppers. Bread grows green mold and bacteria, fungus and gets moldy in a few days. My cayenne red peppers stay great looking for months (no mold, no fungus growth) unless I store them next to bread or moldy grain or tampered with fruit. I refer to WHO's position of "Time Tested Cures", ancient cures so old and so time tested they are accepted and viable, for example, embalmed egyptiam mummies, buried with spice and herb wraps where bags of spices and herbs were found in the mummys tombs and wraps to stop bacterial infestation which causes necrosis and flesh putrification,moldy humans eaten alive by mold and fungi and micro organisms. The herbs and spices worked so well I was able to see King Tut's mummified herb and spice wraped corpse at the museuem exhibition after he was dead for over 2 thousand years.
I like edible oil of oregano, P73, oil of cumin and oil of rosemary etc, physicians P73 strength.
Juice of oregano is great too, so is hot cinnamon, clove tea, peppermint tea etc. as are the daily use of healing spices and herbs.
The question of irradiation is moot considering the risk reward ratios. If you have an infection, an infestation in your gut brain, blood or or body that is killing you, the risk of bad oregano or bad tumeric is statisticly non existant in terms of risk/reward ratio of effectiveness. The only thing one must watch out for is if a creepy mole, subversive or a terrorist puts rat poison etc in your food, water, well, drink, herb, meat, lotion, spice or air, which is what terrorist criminals do, as they are subversive well poisoners, food tamperers, food poisoners and polluters that are criminal. Polluters and food tamperers poison mainstream food and water, soil and air, goods and environment every day for profit because they want people sick, as they are BAD chemists or BAD mds or BAD greedy hospital ceo's or BAD greecy drug profiteers and BAD drug co. ceo's or BAD food ceo's etc., who are greedy, evil and "profit off of poisoning people and making people sick". That's the price of vigilence we must all pay for living with BAD polluters and BAD terrorists and BAD well poisoners and BAD subversive greedy deranged creeps and moles on our planet. So of course it is always a good idea to know your suppliers of all the things you eat, drink, wear, breathe, put on your skin and even the soil you grow your own food in.
Well poisoners have been around for ages. Key is to out them and throw them out of mainstream, like perverted subversive howard stern was out-ed, fined and thrown out of mainstream.
~~~~~ That said.
We have a USA president, like him or not, who works non stop hunting down, exposing moles, subversives and terrorists and he will most likely continue to out terrorists and focus us on terrorists for his next 3 years in office. I just wish the president would fund and staff EPA and FDA, with more independant, non partisan employees so the EPA could crack down on soil, air, water, food and consumers goods polluters in a impartial evidentiary manner and the FDA could be a non corruptable watchdog.
Face it, greed and capitalism suck and create a competitive environment where enrot like creeps and creeps who like poisoning others are allowed to choose profit over peoples health.
I repeat, I say USA should have free for ALL, socialized medicine and the greedy profit motive be taken out of the entire health care and health research industry.
My friends mom got sick while traveling in Italy and was in the hospital, and the doctors there made her better and good as new, she was terrified of the cost and the mds told her there was NO COST as Italy has socialized medicine and is free to all italians and to visitors to Italy. She cried she was so relieved and happy to be made well and not charged an arm and leg by evil capitalistic greedy inhumane predatory gougers who pretend the 'we care con' that costs, hurts and kills millions. Scandinavia and a few other countries have socialized medicine same as Italy. They put human health AHEAD of the greed of slimy creeps, madman huessain wanna be's, deluded milosevich's, syphilitic brained hitlers, mole run subversive polluting and negligent, greedy 4 profit corporate ceo's, and other creepy 4 profit polluters that make people sick for business, such scummy profiteers who prey on the ill, injured and infirmed are reprehensible.
Putting health care on a socialized level would take the profit motive OUT of making people sick. Then mole creep doctors and creep enrot style greedy ceo's that profit from sickness will have to get REAL JOBS healing and helping people, or get and stay lost.