Re: Technical stuff.
Hello there.
First of all, I'll say that I respect your opinions and beliefs and habits. I'm just sharing my opinion.
That being said:
I am lactose intolerant.
My question would be WHY are you lactose intolerant?
If I drink milk, cheezy waxy white accumulations, colds, flu's,
Acne and congestion develope.
I would ask, why is this so?
I could propose that perhaps there's "something" in you that does not like those foods and promotes a stimulus for your body to follow. Just a wild proposition.
I do not like
Acne or a congested system. When I quit dairy my
Acne and congestion disappears. When I eat dairy at a birthday party or out socially or even if I experiment at home and eat dairy, my body expells it as mucus congestion asap. Some are tolerant of dairy, others are not. I never suffered a cold for 15 years when I ate japanese macrobiotic diet which includes zero dairy. It was/is only after eating dairy that I developed/develope mucus congestion and a waxy white substance and/or congestion that my body rejects. Hawaian islanders and other islanders, okinawaians, etc live and lived very healthy for generations without drinking any cow or goat animal milk. They drank only human milk as nursing infants until they were old enough to ask for and handle a cup of juice. In India milk must be very processed, boiled, steamed and pressed, drained of bacterial fluids, as curds aka paneer, before eaten. And butter is boiled as ghee, to clarify it to remove the milk solids aka bacterias, most of non dairy India seems healthy enough without dairy.
I wouldn't doubt any of it.
I think everyone is different and each human has optimal individual diets based on thier individual systems, adaptations, beliefs and habits.
I believe those two arguments you propose are true. Maybe my propositions are wrong, but maybe they're not.