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Image Embedded Re: Sneaking Out of the Shadows of CZ Attn: Trapper, regarding amalgam, (or anyone else who is doing OP etc. with amalgam fillings... :)

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trapper/kcmo Views: 3,562
Published: 19 y
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Re: Sneaking Out of the Shadows of CZ Attn: Trapper, regarding amalgam, (or anyone else who is doing OP etc. with amalgam fillings... :)

the 7litre is the creme de la creme.

although the side-oiler has to be the one that really rocks

mine was just a 289 automatic. my second car was a 69 nova. never have liked chevys. more cool pics:

until you get those things out, you dont want to detox hard. yet, having them means you need to detox. as long as you are not pregnant or nursing, you should do most of the common cleanses on curezone because you need them. hydration, liver flush, kidney cleanse(MH has the best, i swear to it), parasite cleanse, drink only distilled water and eat as raw as possible. you can also do some chelating with fresh cilantro, but dont overdo it. if it makes you real spacey, back off of it a little, but do what you can.

the oil pulling is perfect for this situation, as it naturally does what you should make yourself do from now on - breath in through your nose. mercury outgasses, so if you breath in through your mouth, you are literally taking little hits of elemental mercury into your lungs and straight into your bloodstream. always breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. exert as much effort as it takes for as long as it takes to make this an automatic habit.

eating anything hot will make the mercury outgas more. chewing will do the same thing, so a juicer would be a good idea. no hot liquids or chewy foods.

i have said this many times and i cant get it right becasue there are no words to adequately get the point across: get the mercury out of your mouth. your other choice is to be sick and die. this day comes at different times for different people, but it is always too soon and always much more painful and costly than it should be. i knew all this and still put it off becasue i really didnt know. it wasnt until i had a filling fall out that the relief from loosing the one showed me what must happen. i hocked my worldly possessions that i had left and just did it. i had twelve and they were $200 each. after i got them out, i realized i should have got a pair of pliers and yanked them all out years before and i would have been better off. truly! you cant buy time on this earth.

another thing is to educate yourself on fluoride to the expert level and avoid it at all costs. this, too, takes some real doing. exposure to fluoride and its other compounds act in the body to help other things, like mercury, cross the blood/brain barrier. it also destroys thyroid function and decreases liver function. the list goes on, so get your google out and start reading. there is a forum here as well, but i was already more versed than anyone else i was aware of by the time i got to curezone and i found nothing new there so i didnt persue hanging out there. i have lost and forgotten more about fluoride than most people will ever hear. its all out there and readily available, so you can search it as easy as i can.

love always


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