OP with amalgam
Hey -- I am thinking that if there are q-tip tests available for lead dust, shouldn't there be something similar you could use on your fillings? I mean, it wouldn't be marketed for use on your fillings, but there's no reason you couldn't dry the tooth off and use it that way. I honestly have so much metal in my mouth, I wouldn't know where to start. I don't know what everything is made of, and they're all various ages. My teeth are so bad I was getting a new filling every 6 months for a while.
I guess I should cruise over to a different forum and start reading there.
I'll be seeing my dentist Monday for a cleaning. Nice to know the OP may help slow down the damage.
Want to know something funny?? I feel SOOOO good after pulling, I have started to wake up in the morning and think "Oh Boy, I get to oil-pull!" Ha ha. I also took a tip from griz and started swishing in the evening just because I felt like it... ignoring the protocol for an empty stomach. It doesn't seem to have the same punch then. I wonder what the difference could possibly be?