Re: Got it! Hope you like it! [Edited - twice!]
hey fledgling-( hey PJAngel) something in your post reminded me of this woman--
I spoke to her once, quite recently: she told me she can unravel the imprints(I'm paraphrasing) of seven generations. I asked her:what about the generations of relatives' imprints that we have in EACH lifetime? because my sense is we are all connected and all beings ARE our mothers--it's not just something Buddhists mouth...
I marvelled that she lived in a town next to my hometown ( I don't live there now) --and one I was raped in--and imprisoned near, for three days afterward. The rapist's ( the man's) thought was that he could entice me into being his "girl"-- weirdly, he had a whole closet of clothes that fit me--I was the same size as someone he'd 'lost'. I was fourteen. I felt very sorry for him. I still do. How I survived that and came 'back' I don't know--except that God spoke to me when I was ready to die, and told me--This is mine!!! (it shocked me greatly!) and meant - and pointed to- the tiniest spark in the world, it seemed --near the heart--inside--blue and very small it was, one I only noticed as I lay in a tub and prepared myself to cut my wrists.
Years later, that near-death helped me--when again there was this sense of flickering/sputtering near 'out'.
(soon after,my father died)
I thought this woman might resonate with you--she is very much on about making herself 'obsolete'--meaning her 'services' : -) She talks about one-to-one sessions and single sessions! and, well, she came up awhile ago--and yours and PJ's posts reminded me of this, and the difficult time I've long since finished work on. (thankfully, and with great appreciation and humility )
I like the ideas that this woman is on about : empowering others with the ways and means to re-balance themselves
(I have some excellent teachers now, and a Tibetan healer/herbalist/Amchi... I *appreciate* the sense of *why*
so much more...
(I was always a 'why' girl)
so--things go well)
best to you....and You's
PS--good stuff you posted...
:- )))))
God Bless