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Re: Mad(artist)
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Re: Mad(artist)

Hi pjangel,

Hope you are still feeling upbeat about yourself, and hopeful for brighter days ahead.

I am only feeling my way around trying to figure things out and learn a bit along the way – so that is why in my past messages I have mentioned that my suggestions are toward small measures to get a wedge of an opening, a bit of optimism, a bit of energy to garner enough lucid moments to find what the best path is to ultimately lead you to proper balance. I am but a hopeful student, just listening from the outside of the building still.

What Unyquity suggests for you certainly is that: a detailed map to revitalize your body, and create health and balance. Since you have a history of digestive/intestinal problems since early childhood, it makes the utmost sense that a Colon Cleanse should be your first line of attack. Backed by replenishing the good bacteria population.

(It is so true, because without a healthy gut, your body can not absorb nutrients, your good bacteria cannot make or assimilate from foods some of the B vitamins, and a host of the other necessary building blocks for the “feel good” mechanisms of the body.

Especially true for you too – since you’ve said that you’ve observed “whole pieces if food” in your stool. )

The order in which she described the different cleansings and supplements also of course make sense when considered logically.

If unyquity sounds a bit earnest, it may be because she simply cares enough to feel your frustration and knows that these steps will simply work. She has spent so much time ahead of us researching and learning, and has gathered much information about what works and what does not work as well.

What you may want to do is take what you feel you can do to get you to the next step.

If the Moreless drink, drinking extra water with lemon and Sea Salt , and taking you B’s is giving you a couple of days now that you actually have felt hope, then keep doing that to get to your next step.

As soon as you start your enzymes and probiotics, you might feel a big difference. I hope so.

Then you may want to go ahead and use that newfound energy to do your Colon Cleanse as per Dr. Schultze, or since you indentified with Dr. Kelley’s protocol, you may want to follow that route. Either way, it is important that you stay the course – perhaps enlist your lovely daughter to help you since your memory is erratic at the present.

I hope that you continue your current state of feeling good about yourself. It sounds like you are surrounded by loving and supporting friends and family, and that is a huge blessing. You have angels indeed.

I will post what I have done so far, but our paths may simply be completely different, because I have never suffered from debilitating illness.

Will be in touch again a bit later, be well.

MadArt (ist)


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