Re: Please HELP ME! I'm desperate! Respond ASAP
Thank you :)
It is a journey as we all know.
Talk about plursey, I had plursey back inn 1996, It came on all the sudden and I couldn't get air in my left lung,(very scary) it was a struggle and so off I go again to my primary doc and he told me to go get an xray, well my xray looked normal, (worms don't show up on xrays, they are soft bodies not hard bones)he said there is no reason why I shouldn't be able to get air, so he put me on vicodine for the pain I was having, with prursey, the lining of the lung when filled with fluid scrapes along the ribs,
(my mom had to take an ace bandage and wrapp it really tight aound my chest, so my chest wouldn't beable to expand so much as I struggled to get air) (the lining is soft as silk when not infected) getting deducated on worms I should of been advised to do a
parasite clearner. But again they won't tell you, even if they know..I (we) are not their cash cows to pay for their homes an such as we know.
I could own a couple of homes. BUt I do have my life.
Thank you again and happy days on our journey's
GOD Bess us ALL ^j^