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Re: 4 year-old child's oozing, crusting eczema
jayybee29 Views: 7,277
Published: 20 y
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Re: 4 year-old child's oozing, crusting eczema

Hey I just wanted to let you know- I can totally relate to how you are feeling! Its so hard when well-meaning people question you or even shake their head in disbelief at your more natural approach to healing Ecz. My son has been dealing with his for over a year now and I've been the whole conventional medicine route: prednisone, anti-biotics, diflucan, elidel, protopic, cutivate, benedryl...I couldn't stand the thought that I was doing his body more harm than good- not only that, these treatments really didn't work anyway! But, yes...I'd have people insist that I see this doctor and that doctor- I even went to a gastrointestinal doctor who didn't seem to have a clue! And my mom keeps saying, just put some more medicine on him. I have taken him off everything and just modifying his diet per allergist. He still gets very itchy and will flare up here and there, but at least I know I'm not chemically harming his liver or increasing his chances of skin cancer down the road. I was looking into that Epitrex to at least help the outside discomfort while I look more into cleaning up his insides. ( Yeah, I know it comes with the capsules, but I would also like to add some other things, such as seabuckthorn oil...hempseed oil, flor-essence...)I am totally convinced that it is an internal problem, its just a matter of finding a safe way to detoxify him and having the funds to purchase the necessary things. I have also looked into enzymes and probiotics to help in digestion. If you are worried about infection at the site, just keep some Colloidal Silver on hand (I prefer Sovereign Silver) and spray if it starts to look infected.
By the way check out this site

she is an ex-eczema sufferer who has learned a lot of things that doctors and dermatologists just don't know about healing eczema. Maybe your cousin can gain some understanding through Christina's book. I haven't ordered the book, but she provides sample footnotes as to some of the contents of her book.


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