More importantly than getting the cousin on board is to get your daughter healed. Your cousin is actually causing serious damage to your daughter by feeding her the soft drinks and junk food which seriously jeopardize an already weak and out of balance immune system. Those items are toxic to the body; and are especially toxic to eczema sufferers. When it came to me fighting for the good health of my nieces (going against the doctors & harmful medications), I made a decision that I would bear the verbal abuse for the sake of my nieces. I didn't care what anyone said, my number one concern was to ensure that my nieces would not suffer with years of eczema in the same way that my mother had suffered for over 30 years. In other words, I gave the doctors 30 years to heal my mother and they couldn't do it. I wasn't going to sit back and passively wait for them to find a cure. Especially when I knew that eczema was big business for pharmaceutical companies; and especially when I knew that it would be hard for the medical community to find a cure when they ignore the cause and deny the importance of healthy nutrition for good skin health. If your cousin really loves your daughter, then she'll stop feeding her junk food (especially soft drinks) and work with you to encourage your daughter's good health. There are a multitude of great tasting healthy foods that your daughter can enjoy. Your daughter's good nutritional health is imperative to her ability to heal of eczema. Nutrition is key!!! Don't wait for your cousin to get on board. Nothing we say will change her. Her lesson is going to have to come from witnessing your daughter's recovery after you've taken back the control of your daughter's health and achieved healing yourself. This is what I did in the faces of my family and my nieces pediatricians. Now the doctors ask us what we did to heal eczema.
Eczema signifies poor immune health. In order to restore your child's immune health, a
healthy Diet is imperative. The cure for eczema is a healthy immune system. Once the immune system is restored to a healthy balance, the healing will begin. The human body heals itself; therefore, what we feed the human body determines the health of the human body. The conventional medicines prescribed for eczema don't heal the body, they suppress the symptoms. This is a dangerous practice because it doesn't address the root cause of the symptom manifestation. The purpose of a symptom manifestation from the human body is to alert an individual to the fact that something is wrong. An eczema symptom alerts an individual to the fact that their immune system is being overwhelmed by a toxic invasion. The body is making the request (through the symptom manifestation) for help in the form of good nutrition; and for help in toxic elimination by identification of the allergen/irritant for removal from the body/environment.
The body eliminates toxins in these three ways: through the bowels, the urine/kidneys, and the skin. The eczema reaction you're witnessing on your daughter's skin is evidence of a high level of toxins in her blood stream. The skin is attempting to heal by ridding the toxins from the body. Suppressing the symptom is like pushing the toxins back into the blood stream. You don't want to impede the healing process. You want to work with the body in the healing process. Simply finding good (all natural) vitamin/mineral enriched skin care, addressing your daughter's nutritional health, and identifying the allergen/irritants for removal from your daughter's environment will bring about the healing that you and she desire. My niece has been eczema free for almost six years now without the use of harmful medications. Simply following those steps above brought healing to her severe (total body) eczema skin.
You mentioned that the water irritates your daughter's skin. This is a high indication of chlorine/fluoride in your water system. These are highly toxic agents to the skin and would cause severe eczema reactions. Because cleaning the skin daily is essential to good skin health, it is imperative that the water situation be addressed. You can address this issue by applying a water purification system to your bathroom shower heads and faucets. You can also switch to fluoride free toothpaste to help your daughter.
Because your daughter's immune health has been at this state of imbalance for four years, she is probably susceptible or vulnerable to many allergen/irritants at this stage. This is why it is so important that you develope a strict adherence to a well balanced nutritional (whole food consumption high in fruits & vegetables) diet for your daughter. This will need to take place (very strictly) for at least three months (no junk foods/no sodas). The deficiencies that are evidenced by eczema are as follows: beta carotene, zinc, selenium, quercetin, essential fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, & GLA), vitamin C, vitamin D, & vitamin E. The best means of obtaining these nutrients is through whole food consumption. You can learn of the foods that contain these essential nutrients at the following websites:
http://www.wholehealthmd.com &
http://abundanthealth.ws/ftnm.htm The Whole Health Md website even has healing recipes for eczema sufferers.
Has your daughter suffered with constipation as well? This would be another indicator that nutrition needs to be considered in the restoration of her immune health. If this is indeed the case, you will definitely need to increase her fiber intake. Green vegetables, like spinach, contain both the fiber (needed for good digestive health) and the beta carotene (needed to boost immune health). In addition an overgrowth of yeast (parasite) in the body also produces eczema flareups. This is directly related to diet. Fiber and the probiotics/acidophilus found in yogurt help to combat candida overgrowth in the body. Sodas/sugars/junk food increase the candida growth. Therefore, when your cousin feeds your daughter the sodas and junk food, she's actually feeding the candida/
parasite and increasing her eczema suffering.
Now regarding the statement your cousin made about oils and teas not being healing agents, don't get me started!!! All medicine originated from herbal teas, oils, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains found in nature. This is the original medicine and the basis for which all modern medicine is descendant. What modern medicine does is to take what they have learned from nature and copy it synthetically. Chamomile, for example is a natural, anti-pruritic or anti-itch herb. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. In essence, the anti-infammatory and anti-histamine medications of today learned from the chamomile's, calendula's, vitamin C's, vitamin E's and etc. of yesterday. Even more fascinating is the fact that the human body clearly discerns the difference between the original and the synthetic. This is why 30 years of the modern/conventional approach has culminated in 30 years of continued eczema suffering for my mother, while two weeks of good old fashion common sense with a humble respect for the original medicine (vitamins, minerals, & protein found in whole foods, oils, herbal teas, nuts, and whole grains) has culminated in six years of eczema freedom for my oldest niece. I didn't give you this information to make the arguement to your cousin. The logic of a person who would question the nutritional value of herbal teas and vitamins and minerals found in whole foods and water, while seeing no problem with the toxins found in soft drinks and junk foods is not worth time with discussion. That type of mentality won't hear your arguements or your words. They have to see the evidence first hand; and even then, they will dismiss the success as a fluke or coincidence. I simply gave you the information, not to argue the point to her; but rather, to end your daughter's suffering.
You will need to find good (all natural) skin care to promote your daughter's longterm healing. If you need suggestions regarding this area, I can point you towards several options.