Re: What a treasure you are, aunty! Thank you
so much!
Wow!!! I am deeply humbled by your gratitude. It has been my sincere hope that people would find their way out of the frustration and hopelessness that eczema brings by gaining an understanding of the message eczema was trying to send. Even in the most severe cases, (as was the case with my nieces), healing the body without the use of harmful (side effect producing) medications is a very real and achievable goal. Because the success with my nieces produced a quick healing time with longterm results, I don't think that people get how serious or severe their eczema truly was. My nieces suffered with the type of eczema that would have eventually led them to be hospitalized for longterm treatment. That type of future was not acceptable to me; and as a result, I spent many sleepless nights crying out for wisdom and direction in finding a real cure. Despite the darkness, a hope arose in me when I was reminded that in all my mother's years of suffering with eczema, her internal and external causes had never been addressed by any of her many physicians. Suppression was their response; while addressing the cause was ignored. Therefore, I decided to take the road less traveled, (addressing, not suppressing the cause), and healing came immediately.
My nieces are a constant reminder to me that eczema suffering does not have to be a life sentence. I actually appreciate the message that eczema sends to warn an individual of a toxic overload in the body. I view it as the warning signal that it is and respond accordingly. For an analogy, I'll use a smoke alarm for an example. When the annoying sound of a smoke alarm goes off, you can respond by removing the battery to eliminate the annoyance; or, you can respond by searching out the smoke and the potential fire the warning signal was trying to send. Conventional medicine, regarding eczema, chooses to remove the battery; while, I chose to search out the smoke and put out the fire.
I share the wisdom because healing the body is more than a faint possibility. It's a very real reality. The wisdom didn't come from me; it came to me as I searched for it with tears. Compassion is what moves me and compels me to write. The stories of the children my nieces ages suffering so horrifically remind me of what could have been and demands, of me, that I share what I have learned. I actually tell my nieces (especially the oldest one) that they've helped a lot of children in the short time they've been on this earth.
Again, I am truly humbled by your gratitude. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to send that message. You didn't have to do that; but maybe I needed to hear it, because I was growing a little weary in writing and considering ending my time of sharing what I've learned regarding eczema. Therefore, I should be thanking you for reminding me of the importance of the postings.