oh thank you thank you thank you for the warm and encouraging thoughts. i'm going to push through this! maybe tomorrow i will wake up to a new clothing size! wouldn't that be nice!
i'm going to curl up and read a bit. i also feel kinda crummy b/c of my throat and sinuses so if that alleviates tomorrow i would be happy! that would help my energy too. i wasn't able to workout today or do a video which is fine. my body needs to rest i think.
i am not sure how much i weighed when i started. i had been eating like such such such crud that i didn't even want to know. maybe around 180-185? i did get on my mom's scale today and it said 174 but that was in the evening so i can't call it accurate one bit. i will check that scale again over the weekend and see what it says.
well, have an awesome fantastic wonderful day today bec! i hope it's a good one for you and you are in my thoughts! we can do this!