Re: It is the Holy Spirit Kevin
We are body soul and spirit. Your soul (mind and emotions) want to make sense of what you hear. I believe what you heard was from the Holy Spirit. The Lord wants you to know Him. He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. I dont think he is saying you are going to die. However, someday you WILL die, but will it be too late. God loves you for who you are. Your parents represent God in your human mind. Your torn relationship makes it difficult for you to believe God could love you enough to speak to you. The best thing to do is ask God "if that was you God, speak again, show yourself to me, give me understanding". When you seak him, you will recieve unfathomable blessings. And yes, there are TONS of hipocrits out there. Your parents might be two of them. But remember, we are all evil and that is why we need Jesus. No one is perfect.
PS. Yep, Im a born again Christian. Like you couldnt figure that one out. HA HA!
PPS. I could not hold a job 3 years ago-too much pain. Through Jesus I can now run 2 miles :)