Avocado salad dressing
Toss into a blender any combination of:
1/4 cup water (add more later)
olive oil
almonds (if desired - some suggest sprouting them slightly)
or some raw cashews
lemon or lime juice
and anything else you like
The main thing to watch is the nuts (if you use them)...they need to be pulverized in a small amount of liquid, first. Too much liquid and they just swim around like fish. 1/4 to 1/2 cup water will do a handful of almonds/cashews/other, pulse at first. The objective is to have enough water in the mixture to see a steady flow of bits into the blades. Occasionally, move the bits down the sides with a spatula - when the machine is turned OFF, of course.
Once you have mastered creaming nuts, you may want to make any number of fantastic dishes, such as pear cream.
Pear Cream is almonds or raw cashews, a bit of water, and raw pears, peeled or not. As always, any other desired ingredient may be added...stevia, fruits, oils perhaps, and so on.
Pear Cream is great as a pudding, or as a sweet sauce over, say, fruit.
[The recipe for Pear Cream came from the SilverHills Cookbook.]