Re: Avocados and Bananas!
"Did you ever eat the SAD diet?"
Hm, yes, yes I did... I have my parents to thank for this!
"Do you eat socially with friends? How?"
No. I am perhaps not the best person to speak with in regards this matter, as I have only one "friend" and I try to see him as little as possible. The social aspect is never a problem for me, as I am not social. :)
"Im on day 15 of raw diet. Im hungry. No matter how much juice, nuts... I eat, I dont feel fully satisfied. I miss my grains. I dont miss the meat or dairy though."
Avocado is the answer I am afraid! Two avocados mashed haphazardly in a bowl has saved me on occasion - added Himalayan sea salt and fresh lemon juice is utterly wonderful...and perhaps a little garlic, every so often? Unfortunately, I do not know any recipes for smoothies - I am not one for food-creation, generally speaking - but Lapis has many recipes listed in his blog, and I can recall reading at least one based on avocado...I am not sure if it was a smoothie or not. (Perhaps a raw soup?) If you are missing grains then maybe you should listen to your body/mind and partake of some, if only until you are satisfied and can then refine your diet some more (should you wish to).
"Lastly, are bananas ok?"
Haha, what makes you doubt? A certain someone's statements, perhaps? Bananas are unnatural and useless foods? Well, if mineral-rich fruit is "useless" then we here all know nothing... (And the hybrid theory is hardly applicable; almost everything today we consume has been hybridised/modified in some way.) Anyway, I ate a few bananas today, and I feel fine. :)
Have you tried slippery elm gruel? This curbs hunger pangs well, as it is highly nutritious and soothes the digestive tract (healing leaky gut in the process). It does not taste particularly nice, but it certainly removes the desire for food. I ate a little gruel about an hour ago, and really do find it to be wonderfully satisfying!
I hope others will offer up some more suggestions...