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Re: Metta just seen your reply!!!

Herbal tinctures and supplements
Hulda Clark Cleanses

mantonia Views: 3,377
Published: 19 y
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Re: Metta just seen your reply!!!

Wow Metta i missed this message. Thanks for the reply.

OK...of Your suggestions i have actually done quite some improvements.

Ive been on a Anti-Candida diet for 4 months and this has helped quite a bit. I always drink lots of water. TBH apart from Green Tea thats all I ever drink. Also i dont eat any sugars whatsoever or caffiene. I eat non Yeast bread. Avoid fruits due to the natural sugars, No dairy, milk or cheese. And no snacking aswell.

Ive taken Anti-Candida programs such as Candigone, and also taken plenty of probiotic 24 billion per day.

My Candida was caused by I belive like you taking copius amounts of Anti-biotics for my acne.

As for Colon cleansing i probably can do a lot of improvement. I dont even know what dissolving herbs you mean.

Better PH balancing i assume is done via diet which means more greens, which as you know at the moment i have a problem with eating greens.

Is Fecal matter old feces built up on the intestinal walls?

As for cleansing the bowels before i did the flush well sort of...I took Epsom Salts for a week before if that counts.

Anyway ive orded Dr Shultze Bowel Cleanse aswell to help go with my program.

I want to avoid Enemas because its hard work!! and its hard to do in my house.

Finally you asked if im doing exercise to combat my Depression well i tried to avoid taking medicine by running everyday or otherday for ages but it never worked, my anxiety went overboard. I believe exercise can cause problems in the begining depending how severe your Depression is, because exercise gives you adrenaline, and when you get the come downs...its makes things a whole lot worse. But anyway i still play football once a week. I may increase my exercise but not too much because my muscles are quite stiff still from the depression/anxiety.

As for feeling down since the Liver Flush today i felt a lot better!!

Thanks for your reply and all the time you have given me.



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