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Colon Cleansing: Salt Water Flush
metta Views: 3,758
Published: 19 y
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Colon Cleansing: Salt Water Flush

Someone else will have address the Epsom Salt question, since I do not have experience using it for constipation.  I've only used it as part of the lemon/oil flush to open the bile ducts -- after cleansing the colon.

Enemas or colonics will of course work, but if they are not convenient, you can do a salt water flush to cleanse the colon *before* beginning your liver flush.  (Afterwards, this would probably be too harsh, so I'd opt for another colon cleansing option after the liver flush.)

Salt Water Flush (for colon cleansing before a liver flush)
Gulp down 2 teaspoons non-iodized sea salt mixed in 1 quart of lukewarm water.  Within an hour or two, this will dissolve the contents of your colon and completely wash you out! 

Warning: this flush takes effect extremely quickly, so be sure you're near the bathroom once you've downed the salt water.  In fact, the site that recommended this flush said "You will be a living a fire hydrant for well over an hour!"  -- and I can verify that this is absolutely true! :-D


LATER:  I just found this cautionary post regarding Salt Water Flushes, so be sure you are also aware of the potential risks:  I have never had any problems with a salt water wash, but my blood pressure is also quite low.

Looks like there is always something more to learn, something more to be aware of...which is why we all have to do our due diligence -- myself included!



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