Yes she can walk better and has less pain but I think if she had of helped herself before hand she would have never had to have it done in the first place. Also these new knees only last 10 or 15 years and then have to go thru it again? Im sure a parasite cleanse would help alot as well,I was really ill from one I acquired while in Mexico or Guatimala 5 years ago and am now still trying to grain my health.. slow butsteady. A parasite could also be making her pre diabetic- well the low sugars and light feeling.
Keep on her eventually she'll listen, the sad part about my mother is she doesnt believe me till she see'ssomething about it on TV,luckily they have been talking about it in the news so she will listen to more of that I have to say.. now shes my guinea pig!! haha
Good luck