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18 hours? cool! Isn't it!!!
fledgling Views: 2,696
Published: 19 y
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18 hours? cool! Isn't it!!!

I got that number from college, Sophia.

They said to allow lots of time to study and review before an exam, because it takes at least 18 hours for information to settle in the brain.

That might be a whole string of facts, likely connected in some way.

I 'crammed' the night before, and even had essays written in my head, then went entirely blank for the test the next morning. Partly, it was because I was royally tired, and because I was going through personal stress those days.

When I was 16, I was home alone and couldn't find the scissors. I looked intensely for about 1/2 hour, then gave up and went on to something else.

A few minutes later, I found myself walking up to a bureau, dropping to my knees, and looking underneath. There were the scissors, standing on one point, against the wall. I had no way of knowing that they might be there.

Ever since, when I can't find something, I look intensely, then forget about it. Usually I find it soon after.

I do the same, for a much shorter time, when I've forgotten a name, etc.

When I first started writing, my mind would race ahead of my typing, and I'd have certain words that I would want to use, but I'd forget before I got to the next sentence. Probably eating better helped my memory there. Now I remember words for as long as necessary.

I know in advance that I want to make, say, three points. Occasionally, one will escape me for a few moments, especially if there is a distraction. I've learned that I just need to wait a bit, my memory will serve my purpose.

In the case of the telephone numbers...I just said the statement out loud, once, then went on to other things. Later in the day, I repeated it once more, then forgot about it. I'm pretty sure it was on the second day after that my memory kicked in.

A child was abducted in our province (state). On the anniversary of the event, the TV was showing his picture. Walking by the set, I put my hand on it and said, 'Where is Michael?"

That night I had a strange dream about a woman with a baby, on a treed berm by railroad tracks. It meant nothing to me. The following night was dreamless, but just before I awoke, a pleasant man's voice spoke beside my bed, "Ten miles south of N..., beside the railway track." ...Clear as a bell.

More, there was a woman's body found at that spot some time later. The TV camera panned up the track...and I knew that was where the little guy was.

I contacted the RCMP officer in charge of missing children. He asked me outright if I was a psychic. No. Then he told me that a Florida man had a dream about another spot on railway tracks. He and his wife had come to Canada to point out the spot.

That's when the RCMP officer told me that they had brought in special dogs and they had been up and down that track for miles.

I have asked for the discovery/capture of the culprit. Nothing more came to me.

The really remarkable thing is that, a few weeks ago, they announced that they have reason to believe the child is alive, ten years later. If this is so, it is quite possible that he was near tracks at the time we had these 'dreams'.

Dee-dee, dee-dee...

There is something so matter-of-fact about these experiences. No stress, or meditation, or 'procedure' is needed.

I have a quiet confidence that my mind will serve me well.

I don't use it often, but I know some capability is there.

Perhaps don't put a time-line on it...your mind already knows all the details of your need. You don't need to put any if's, and's, or but's to your statement.

Keep it simple, I think.

More power to you.



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