Re: Please Watch This: attention:long post!
Hi CF, and others,
I'd love to watch this video! Thanks for posting it.
I sent the link to my mother--more on that, below.
It is said to be currently edited--and there is only an 8-minute trailer, which looks *really* inspiring. I have been working away on the idea of raw for several months, but I've heard/read so many people talk about getting sicker, that I feel I'm nowhere near ready to be approaching it with full awareness of the corrct way to do it--and if in fact it is for me. Or perhaps I lack the committment right now--but it almost seems easier to imagine breatharianism--odd, eh? I suppose that says much about my attitudes.
Just a few days ago I had a tough phone call with my mother--she's in Mexico, with knees that will not work to get her up a six-inch curb some (maybe many) days. She's overweight and had been seeing a number of doctors, now looking to get gold injections. The desperation is what mounts... Amazingly, she said a few of her doctors have mentioned the aspect of pH, so they are aware of it, which to me seems unique! (Can it be possible doctors are not aware of it--or even weirder, that they willfully ignore it?)
However, she is entering into the medical model, where she wants to find a label so she can get the drugs she needs to function... I hope others will hear and appreciate fully what this means!! It's the beginning of a downward spiral usually.
She begins to speak of side-effects, which of course will necessitate more drugs, and assures me that depression, for example, is a "side-effect" of chemotherapy and that it is required for someone in this situation (my sister) to take an anti-depressant. How long? No one talks about that. Will there be "side-effects"? Assuredly.
I am afraid my concern and some small amount of knowledge and experience has turned me into an evangelizer where my family is concerned. To my sister's credit, she knows this, and maintains a safe distance. ;-)
When someone feels fearful about being able to just move around, literally, they (are certain they) NEED to know whether it's
Arthritis or whatever else it might be called in order that they can get suggested drugs!! (these drugs may be in "study" mode)
I keep telling her none of the labels matter, if the terrain is not an invitation to these conditions, which are the body's way of sequestering the waste to save the person's life!! She's not sure she "believes in" certain things I tell her.
I feel like I'm holding out the promise of exactly what she (anyone ill) wants, and it is being refused. It's like watching someone walk into a dark tunnel. Like (her) being a prisoner and a beggar at the same time. And it must be very scary indeed.
If I try to tell her she doesn't need the labels, and attempt to inspire her with *realistic* courage, and the realistic expectation of good health IF she takes charge fully, she gets exasperated and says she needs the drugs. The way someone would speak when the other is stupid. But it's just fear talking--I know.(Saying that must feel like a form of assault against one's own spirit too!)
It's so frustrating that she will do a few things: stop eating meat, eat more vegetables and fruit, take ACV, make pineapple vinegar: be very inspired about the promise of simple things for a time, but these are all piecemeal things that people living the allopathic life can throw away quickly, by saying "they didn't do anything".
The thing is, the acid load has obviously reached a kind of peak--and part of the stress-aspect of it must certainly have been looking after my sister who went through pretty standard cancer treatment about three years ago.
I don't want to go through nursing my mother if her health breaks down utterly, and am torn between telling her that, or just presenting her one final letter outlinging some protocols that work, and then backing off, letting things be the way they will, and concentrating fully on being the (somewhat selfish, it seems) example.
Mom is a very vital and incredibly intelligent (but hardheaded)73, and wants to build another house! But to hear her, is to know the almost muted anguish of someone who's now starving inside their own toxicity.
BTW- My mother insists she can't be vegan because she feels really weak without "protein". She also feels she can't take much fruit, because she is pre-diabetic, and insulin-resistant. She likes these labels and knows/has read just enough to cause her be to trouble to herself. Scientific studies and all that. :-) She's an O type blood, which according to the Blood type 'diet' is the only type that does do well with some meat--which I mention, by way of lightening the discussion with some irony--but my mother thinks that diet is flawed anyway, because of "lack of studies."
she may have something there, but I have found so many of the suggestions to be right ( by experience) that I won't throw the whole away.
Always that's the refrain--something about no research, no proper studies.
when I suggest that all the money and impetus for "studies" comes from the prevailing model, there is a silence, but it's the silence of the angered.And the weary.
Apologies for this long and somewhat leaden post,and the user number. I am sure many of us here are experiencing these chasms between ourselves and others we care about. The worst is, we may end up caring FOR them--when there actually was the chance to reverse that depressing eventuality.
Any suggestions?
(I think I can hear a few of them now, whispering in my ear) Thank you :-)
Edit: this is priceless!
I went to edit a few typos and the spellcheck wanted me to change allopathic to idiopathic(meaning self-created)