You totally forgot what the cleanse directions said? And what about all of the people around here who told you that you needed to eat less junk food and more raw fruits/veggies... did you forget that as well? I can't believe you're acting like you're just now realizing that you should have been eating healthier foods! Many people here have tried to help, but you seem to have excuses as to why what they say does not work for you.
Above all else, you have to be ready to help yourself before you will improve. I don't really think it is helpful at this point for everyone to feed into your constant need for attention regarding your health (and most frequently, your 'crotch'). At this point, it seems to be feeding your 'victim' energy rather than helping you to move forward. I hope that you can find it within yourself to do some research and take responsibility for your healing process. Good luck.