21 y
Re: That's an interesting question
well you always have the
Debate Forums to keep you busy. I for one completely understand why forum owners delete messages that are off message (of the owner). if you have an altnate view, please develop it and post in the
Debate Forums .
re your suggestion in the Andreas forum, i would disagree with you. On flush no 7 i got almost nothing out, but still had strange symptoms. Andreas suggested it was a strong blockage that had to be worked on and flushed out. In fact, I needed 10 more flushes to get clean. seems Andreas was right in my case, no? that's why he has a forum, his advice is quite valuable. and I for one don't want to see his forum turned into a debate forum or a cluttered forum. So while you may consider your post supportive, Andreas probably just thought you were giving bad advice. in my experience, I agree with with him.
I hope you get somewhere with your theory, it would be a positive contribution to have it proved correct or incorrect, one way or the other. though in my experience, i know the stones came from the old liver.