Re: That's an interesting question
You said "re your theory of bile/oil combining to make the stones, the theory fails to explain why people eventually stop getting stones. we still produce bile... and the oil is still present... but no stones..."
I have never suggested that bile and oil combine to make the stones.
My theory is that the oil precipitates a massive production of bile (that is well proven scientific fact), which then undergoes biochemical changes in the intestines, which result in "stone" formation. That "stone" formation would depend on the cholesterol content of the expelled bile and, once that had fallen below a certain level, no "stones" would be produced.
My last ban - as Millie - was for a suggestion I made to a poster on Ask Andreas. She had said that she didn't get any stones from a flush and mentioned that she had a very low cholesterol level. Andreas spoke of ducts so hardened that they couldn't release stones. I suggested that the lack of "stones" could be due to her low cholesterol level. Personally, I thought my post was more supportive, as well as more logical, than that of Andreas, but it still got deleted and I got banned!