Do you soak your nuts and sprout your seeds? It is important to note that nuts and seeds have enzyme inhibators that make it very difficult to extract nutrients from them. Once you soak them for 24 hours you remove near 100% of the tannins and they become easily digestible. Also a good idea for nuts is to make nut milk which increases the surface area and you can really draw out the nutrients.
I also believe that their is plenty of protein in the vegan raw diet. Much of the fear of protein lack is based on poor studies from the 1940's which the dairy/cattle industry points to at every turn even though their are newer, more complete studies showing that the superior form of protein is not from animal flesh.
Many "healer's" that point to animal protein are, in my opinion, in denial and "addicted" to animal flesh. This gets into other areas (emotionla/spiritual).
Following one's instinct is the ideal in conscious eating. Through that, one can eat appropriatly and get the balance one needs.