Re: One of my favorite things about MH..
I find 1 drop of oregano oil to 1/2 gallon of water a big enough dose. Herbs like lobelia and oregano oil are powerful herbs and to take them in large doses you need to know what is going to happen.
I have done one 40 day fast and I do not suggest anyone fast on water. Water fasting is not in any book I have. My best book fasted one time for 21 days and never again the rest of your life and the author at age 76 over 20 years later was one of the strongest men I have seen. Health is simple, the more complicated you make it, the less you will have of it.
Your 100% wrong about protein, so I will not waste my time with that and muscle builders are as out of balance as a human can get. The STRONGEST people on earth I have read about and seen never consumed a protein that your probably referring to.
The strongest mamals on earth have never had another dead animal in their mouth. The cats have short intestinal tracts and can eat animals, but they eat the whole animal, not cooking it.
Your probably hooked on big muscles and big muscles are sick muscles, just look at any body builder and you will see plenty of problems and the ones on their drugs can tell you many horriable stories.
Strong muscles are tight to the bone, not expanded with fat and chemicals.