Re: Thank you Wintergreen.
Listen, you got my ire up because of your earlier comment. Let's just bury the hatchet, if you don't mind the cliche. :-)
I currently use Cutler protocol, and if you look at my past comments on this forum I am both pretty knowledgeable about it and non-dogmatic. I have had some positive results with it, but find it to be tortuously slow, so I'm always looking into other avenues. I really haven't found anything better in terms of chelation, but there are a large number of supportive therapies that I'm experimenting with. And I have spent far more time researching this stuff than I ever wanted to.
Regarding liver flushes, I have done 13 of them so far. I tend to think that they are a very good thing overall, but they are a little traumatic to the body, and after several "major" flushes for most people, the positive effects taper down. They are sold as too strong a panacea by some of the people on this site. Although I guess there is now more emphasis on using things to keep the liver clear rather than doing period heavy cleanses. Taurine, lecithin, and some of the supportive liver herbs can help to this end.
The last one I did I felt much better afterwards, and then I got sick several days later. Although I have low body temperature and some other health issues, I have made enough modifications to my diet and lifestyle that I rarely get ill, so I think it's related. I also remember Johnny Vegas, who started the Cutler Chelation forum here, telling me how he got sick after his last liver flush, and he's done about 20 of them.