To midlothian girl...Read.
Ive been reading your posts and see that you have mentioned gut dysbiosis...I hadn't really heard anything about this till I saw it from you..Could you tell me a little more about it...The reason I asked you this is because I had a live blood analysis done and the blood showed no signs of mucoid plaque or candidad, however it did show a
parasite and bacteria overgrowth in my intestines...The analyst told me that this problem was disrutping my intestines and pushing toxins out of my skin...Which she said is why I still have
Acne and am only having 1 bowel movement a day. Judging from my blood test, it seems like I may have this dysbiosis problem.
Ive been reading your posts and see that you have mentioned gut dysbiosis...I hadn't really heard anything about this till I saw it from you..Could you tell me a little more about it...The reason I asked you this is because I had a live blood analysis done and the blood showed no signs of mucoid plaque however it did show a
parasite and bacteria overgrowth in my intestines...The analyst told me that this problem was disrutping my intestines and pushing toxins out of my skin...Which she said is why I still have
Acne and am only having 1 bowel movement a day.