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nobugsplease Views: 3,296
Published: 21 y
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Of course I care, silly. There are lots of people here who do. I understand why you would be scared of the bowel and liver cleanse, but I promise you they aren't bad. In fact, being a little wary is probably good, that way you don't overdo it or rush in to things blindly. Skeptism isnt bad, but at the same time, I think you owe it to yourself to give it a try and see if it helps.
Do you get Acne on your face or is it just your head? I wonder if you have some sort of chemical sensitivity to shampoos or detergents? You might consider switching to an ultra-natural shampoo like castille soap or something. I'm not sure, but I think baby shampoo still has petroleum products in it which can cause a problem with some people.
I used to have problems with Acne and the only thing that helped me was a Liver Flush and diet change. The flush really isnt scary. I mean, its just liking taking a poo if you know what I mean. I sometimes get really nauseous for a minute or two, but it is worth it for how much better I feel after.
Tell me some more of what is going on with you.


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