Re: Ok then that is not about being a man per se
..."while there was great excitment, intellectual curiosity, (and chaos) there was a kind of honesty that hard drinkers and beatniks prided themselves on".
Everything but emotional honesty.
Part of the illusion of life is that those around us mirror us to give the effect that this is reality. When things become too difficult like mum and dad did, we go into denial - join the rat race, overwork, have plenty of distractions around, start drinking, smoking, lots of parties, maybe argue alot, spend to keep up with the guys next door, keep the noise levels up, all in order to drown the the inner voice. It becomes a way of life, all part of the chaos of denial, until enlightenment arrives ie. usually when the thresholds of pain become too great.
Addictions smother reality. Emotional reality is too painful for many to confront otherwise they`d have to admit they are living a lie. Part of emotional reality is awareness that you have been living a lie. The other part is putting it right, coming to terms with what has gone wrong is painful, realizing that you were not loved an can involve sadness and anger. But what the process does is get you in touch with your emotions and your reality is changed forever.