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Re: Well if a man just wants a woman in a sexual way
turkey60 Views: 1,962
Published: 19 y
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Re: Well if a man just wants a woman in a sexual way

Emotional honesty is very hard because it depends on who the listeners are. If the parties have been denied this sort of honesty by their parents it may never come about.

It is very important for adults to encourage honesty but if we aren t honest to ourselves what chance

The trouible lies in that living the lie of dishonesty to ourselves we will never be ready for honesty, so there is a strong chance that we will meet up with others who are dishonest. So the pretence of being in love continues until the relationship becomes too painful to endure. And what is learnt? To suffer because we are fearful of honesty. So in effect family life can be an endurance of suffering.

The other problem is that if we admit to honesty then we would have to admit that what we learnt from from our parents was wrong.

The earlier this becomes apparent the more chance there is of living a different life.


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