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Re: Reply: Tried again. A bit better.
bluandyelo Views: 20,247
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 662,249

Re: Reply: Tried again. A bit better.

Hi Coconuttree,

I had a bad experience with using CO on my face, it gave me acne, when I had barely ever had a pimple before that in my life, AND dried my skin out so badly that my formerly wrinkle-free face became a mass of very visible and very painful tight fine wrinkles (yes dry skin AND pimples!!!), I perservered for 3 or 4 months to see if the effects were just detox, but eventually I stopped, thank God! I could barely smile properly my skin was so tight and it hurt to yawn, smile, eat a big mouthful etc.. My skin is now back to normal, wrinkle-free again and feeling good, but still a little drier than it used to be. I had bad thyroid problems too, which is why I started the CO, but I have found eating 100% raw foods to be the best thing for my thyroid and my whole body. I have gone off my thyroid extract pills and feel much better than before. I am currently doing an OJ fast which is making me feel even better, though I am a little tired these last two days.
LIke MidlothianGirl said, Liver Flushing will be a huge help to any thyroid probs and I count it as one of the most important things I have done for myself.
Anyway, I know this is of little help to you, but I just thought I would back up MidlothianGirl's point that CO is not for everyone. When my mum started taking it, she put on a lot of weight, and stopped a few months later. But I think if it agrees with you, there is no problem taking it as salad dressing as you said, you don't have to take it separatly as far as I am aware. I used to have it in smoothies too, and cook with it (when I was eating a bit of cooked food).

I am also in Australia! Where abouts are you?



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