Thanks Midlothian Girl but I was hoping to get a tip on how and when to take it. I got the impression reading all these posts that people were taking it straight by the spoonful before lunch. After the nausea had passed I DID love the way I felt afterwards. Yesterday I tried again - made a salad dressing 2 tblsp of CO + lemon juice + mustard + garlic and doused lettuce and carrots with it. Delish! And I did not get as much of a sick feeling and no palpitations. BUT does it have the same effect?
I really want this to work because they are threatening to whip my entire thyroid out (1/3 they already took out) and I will do anything to A. hold onto it and B. Avoid thyroxin.
Give my love to Va - I was in Richmond for a while, fell in love with the place - still pine to get back. I am in Australia now. Lovely to hear from someone from Virginia.