Most people think I'm from Scotland. HEH. Yeah, I was born and raised here, and I love it. Richmond is lovely.
As for WHEN to take coconut oil, I think that if it doesn't agree with you, then it's best not to take it at all, I think was my point. If it's making you nauseous and giving you heart palpitations, I'm not sure it's a healthy choice for your body type. I was in total denial about the effects coconut oil was having on my body, but I'm over that, especially after doing my last flush and seeing all those obvious NEW stones that had formed.
Have you considered doing some liverflushing and detoxing? Many times your thyroid function will improve drastically once your liver is detoxed. Liver function/thyroid function/blood
Sugar levels are all interrelated.
My blood
Sugar levels and thyroid levels were insane Sept. 2004. Once I started liverflushing, they became normal. My thyroid glands were so burdened they were swelling whenever I ate.
My whole body was breaking down....everything I was eating, I was having allergic reactions to. It was really bad.
But anyway, it's hard for me to comment directly on when you should take coconut oil if at all. I used to take it on an empty stomach between meals and had no ill effects in terms of nausea or anything like that. I just used to have terrible pain in my stomach, especially if I took 3 tablespoons a day, and it happened when I would eat a coconut milk rich soup I made.
The stuff just didn't agree with me, and I have no idea why.
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