Re: Healthy sprouted brownies and banana nut bread
Thanks for the thoughtful response. Sorry you're home sick, that's no fun.
We did a no grains diet for several months after my husband had a triple bypass and was diagnosed with prediabetes. The good news is, I learned a bunch of new yummy recipes, and he lost a bunch of weight and is now much healthier. I'm glad we went through it because even though we've added some whole grains back in we eat a whole lot better now. Nothing like almost dying to motivate you to eat your veggies, lol.
Here's a great site for learning more about grain free (low carb) living: they have a great active forum where I learned a lot. I also got a lot of great recipes from Suzanne Somers books, of all places. She's written a half dozen diet books and each one has a few really great recipes. Finally I just got online and had my library hold all her books for me and I just copied my favorites and put them in a three ring binder. I made a whole cookbook of favorite low carb recipes. I still mostly use those. I make cream sauce instead of gravy, zuccini slivers instead of pasta, stuff like that.
I also learned to use granulated date
Sugar for baked goods. It's just ground up dates. Tastes like brown sugar. I like to use half date sugar, half zylitol.
I'll see if my health food store can order it. I wish the shipping wasn't so expensive, it would take me years to go through 10lbs. I just bake a half batch of something once in a while now. Sprouted spelt sounds like a good thing to bake with though! Thank you!!