Re: Break up protein to prevent herxheimer effect???
Hi Kechup,
Herxheimer effect is basically what is known as when a person starts a treatment and feels worse afterwards, and people refer to this as "die off" of release of toxins, or you know whatever you are doing is working because you feel so bad before you'll feel better so hang in there.
I don't agree with that you have to feel worse to know something is working. I agree with Dr. Sutherland that what works should make you feel better right away.
What is proper protocal you ask? I wish I knew Dr. Sutherland's protocal but he did not elaborate on that.
For myself, I would have to say organ cleansing, kidney,liver, and colon would be primary.
parasite and bacteria extermination.
Dental cleanup
Heavy metal detox and removal
Dietary changes: food and water concentrating on fruits and vegetables
Supplementation of vitamins and minerals.
Medicine cabinet with: collodial silver,
Lugol's iodine, oregano oil, ozonator
Clean body products
Now your body is prepared and immunity is being built up.
Herx happens when too much is done too fast. Pleomorhism taking place within the body. Wrong frequency is applied, etc.
Dr. Sutherland said, "Break up protein to prevent Herxheimer effect." I found this to be very interesting. My thoughts raced to "If proteins could be broken down with electromagnetic fields, or by frequency generators, then perhaps the Mad Cow disease prion protein could also be destroyed!" Nothing else is working on that terrible disease. Dr. Sutherland hadn't heard of any research in that area.
But then about breaking down the protein, I understood this to mean the necessity of cracking the outer membrane of a cell, to get to the problem inside of it.
Dr. Clark talks about removing ferritin (protein that coats the white bood cells and prevents the WBC from doing their job of phagocytizing). This information is in the "Cure for HIV/AIDS" book. She suggests digestive enzymes, levamisole, vitamin c, l-cysteine, red beets and electronic treatments will free the WBC from the ferritin protein tomb shroud.
Just more to think about.
Mrs. Lightning