You missed the point
Sorry anunnaki you missed the point.
Never did I say anything contrary to instruments at the show. I reported what I saw, and how I saw it.
Would I love to own an F-scan2, f160, ABPA, MWO, or an M.E?
Absolutely yes. They all have there place.
But none are at the level of sophistication that I had hoped and dreamed of. Detection and identification of frequencies is where we need the most help and little research is done in that area todate. Mostly it is heresay, "It worked for Joe who had that, so why don't you try the same." That is why Dr. Clark's audio oscilloscope connected in circuit to a function generator and Dr. Rife's visual methods still rule in this identification process for finding and identifing what frequency relates to what. And plate zapping via a frequency generator however administered is the wave of the future until the process of identification can catch up.
Let's move out into the 21st century quick. Got any suggestions other than hit the ailment with the most voltage, the highest frequencies, the longest time, and while your at it might as well gather all your friends to sit around next to your device that gives everyone a treatment whether it is right for them or not, and whether they need it or not?
I know you don't have any respect for Dr. Clark and her works, and you openly admitted that you haven't read all of her books. So I suggest you buy her new one, because as smart as you are you could learn alot from her if you are opened minded as you propose to be.
And as you so often brag about the Terminator2,it is openly stated on their website, "This zapper follows the circuitry recommended by Dr.
Hulda Clark in her book,
The Cure For All Diseases ." So give credit where credit is due.
China is getting ready to mass market zappers.
All these devices are too expensive for the average person. At least Dr. Clark shares all information for the totally inexperienced person to build everything for themselves. To put their health into their own hands with a focused and clearcut plan with excellent reasoning and great results.
So take off your boxing gloves, and put on your thinking cap. Go beyond the experimenter by way of hearsay, and come up with some clinical research that can benefit us all. You have it in you somewhere.
Mrs. Lightning