Re: Salt water or herbal laxative tea in the morning?
hi Richard,
Last night I did a search on 'detoxification' and came across this page
and it so happened to talk about 'flora' and Probiotics as well as some other facets of detoxing the body.
I'm realizing this just as other things are never so completely simple and I have alot to read up on before doing anything that seems drastic. Let me just tell you that I realized this after I had quite a night last night. After reading the other comment to my questions...about the possibility of the toxins getting into the mother's milk..I thought perhaps I should wait on the cleanse and read more, but could go ahead and try the laxative tea to try and help the bowels move. What a mistake that was!!! I bought two kinds of herbal laxative tea at the pharmacist with Senna and one without. I had read about 'gripping discomfort' (on the net, there were no warnings posted in the packaging) with the Senna, but thought it meant with the bowels moving. The only thing I got from the Senna was a really scary night where my heartrate dropped about 20 beats per minute from it's regular average rate. It was so slow and my breathing so shallow I feared to go to sleep and did not sleep all night until by heart rate got back up. I had my husband call the pharmacist about 4 am to find out any info and he seemed to think it had nothing to do with the Senna. I called my brother in law who is a Physician Asst. and talked with him, he said usually the heartrate increases and thought it was my physical reaction to it was odd. Something was definitely wrong with me though and there is nothing else I can think of that would account for it...I'm positive that the herbal tea was the it all started about a half hour after drinking the tea (drank tea at 11:30pm).
My circulation was very poor and half hour after taking the tea I felt very light headed and went on the net and did a search for the dangers of Senna (which apparently there is much to read!) and read something about drops in potassium, so I ate a banana in hopes of helping my lightheadedness.
The heartrate drop and poor circulation went on for hours. I finally took a hot shower about 5am to help get my blood flowing and used the skin brush to help too. It did help my heartrate increase closer to normal. But what a scary thing. I'll never take Senna or a laxative tea again, ever!! Besides that I didn't even get the bowel movement from the Senna. I got a small one after eating a banana which I usually will when I eat bananas and this morning...actually feeling constipated..I've been chugging down some orange juice as this has helped me in the past before to go.
One last that my husband and I realized that we haven't been having our decaf coffee lately...which seems to be since I haven't been going regularly. Anyway...because of what happened last night, I think I'm going to be very cautious in the future to take anything that is unfamiliar.
I appreciate you telling me about the Probiotics as it helps me to become aware there is alot more to consider.