God's Word is true. I stand on God's word. Not one person has debated me about the cripture I have used. If I am a liar then so is every ma, For if you commit one sin, you have committed them all. Jesu died for every sin of the world...And one day in the White Rhrone Judgement, "Every knee will bow and every tounge will confess yjsy Jesus Christ is LOrd. It is difficult to defend any other view but the church has chosen a false doctrine since Constatine. I know God's grace and mercy...but by our fruit we will be known. The fruits of the true chrurch of Jesu Christ is love but the fruits of modern Christianity is luke warm.... My God is a consuming fire...A love so intense that all sin perishes in Love's wake. THis is my faith... The last days church are two faced churches...they have an appearance of holiness but their are fruits are lies. The father of lies is the devil and many are swayed...but God even forgive each and evey sinner...even me...