Even Now...God is Love
thanks for linking to my post...
Do you really believe the Bible we have today is accurate? Which Bible? Give me just one... I love the Bible and in it is God's Word. It has been mistranslated so many times and pushed this way and that way and still you say it is perfect. I have been reading the Bible for years and years and I find simple errors everywhere.. Do you read your Bible or do you just read tracs?
I could list maybe three hundred or so errors in the King James Bible and just be scratching the surface but if you have another Bible... I am willing to give it a look... I am eager to find a perfect Bible...but mostly when I read the Bible, I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me to truth and guide my life... I know you do too...so keep it up... It took me breaking my neck two or three times and dealing with all of that false religious doctrine of hate for years before I came across the one thin that is always true... God is love... And you want to steal it from me by saying I am a false prophet...How can I be a false prophet when I never claimed to be a prophet at all... I hope you don't have to learn the hard way...like me...to learn the lessons of love the way I did... I have been praying for you Klyd...& you pray for me... & let us share our learning when we get to heaven or in the next life here on earth...will you come with me? Let's be friends... If you start praying for me, I think you and I can become friends... Let us give it a try? Okay... I will do my part...
Love, Light, & Joyful Laughter